Charles Spurgeon on Choosing A House



“And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand and the fever left her. And she arose and served them.” Matthew 8:14, 15.

This event took place at Capernaum, but Peter’s residence was at Bethsaida, for we read, “Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.” How came Peter to have a house at Capernaum? Poor fishermen do not often have two houses. May not the conjecture be highly probable that, finding the Lord Jesus Christ was frequently at Capernaum, Pe- ter thought it best to have a dwelling there, that he might always be present when the Master was preaching and that he might do his best to entertain Him between visits? I like to think that the servant changed his place of abode for his Mas- ter’s sake. Would it not be well if many Christian people had some little consideration when they are choosing a house, as to whether it will be convenient for the hearing of the Word of God? Do you not think that a great many professors look chiefly for every other kind of advantage and, when they have virtually made their choice, they afterwards enquire into the very important item of their nearness to a place where they may worship God, enjoy Christian fellowship and be use- ful?

There are some in this congregation who have moved to this part of town to become members of an earnest, prayer- ful Church. Such Believers feel that the first consideration in life must be the health of their souls, the benefiting of their children and their usefulness in promoting the cause of Christ. When they have made the selection of a house in that way and for that reason, they have found a blessing resting upon them according to the promise, “Seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Some who have forgotten this rule and, like Lot, chosen the well-watered plains of Sodom, have lived to regret their choice. Although the house may be commodious and the position convenient, these advantages will not make up for losing the means of Grace and missing opportunities of holy service. When Mephibosheth lived at Lodebar, the place of no pasture, David fetched him up to Jerusalem where he, himself, delighted to dwell. It would be well for many a limping Brother if he made a like change.

Thus, before we actually cross the threshold of Peter’s house, we learn a lesson. Our Lord Jesus Christ had been hav- ing a heavy day—He had been to the synagogue and He had preached and had worked miracles. He had moved in the midst of a great throng and now, as the Sabbath was drawing to a close, He needed refreshment—and it was most con- venient that Peter had a house into which the Lord could go. I do not suppose it was a stately mansion. Probably it was little better than a hut, for Peter was only a fisherman. But the Lord Jesus made it honorable enough by entering it. Where the king is there, the palace is!

(Excerpt Taken From Sermon # 1836 of Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 1)