Family Devotions – Why You Should and How You Can

“As mothers are children’s best nurses, so parents are (or should be) their best teachers. Solomon’s father was his tutor (Proverbs 4:3,4). And he never forgot the lessons his mother taught him (Proverbs 31:1).” – Matthew Henry.

God commands our homes to be saturated in Scripture: “while you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up” (Duet 6). When we consider the business of our every day lives and our own feelings of inadequacy, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with this command. Unfortunately, scores of us have unwittingly left our sacred duty.

Family devotions are simple, and they will change your home for the better forever. Just before you read the list let me remind you that the devil hates family devotions; so pray, pray, pray.

Why you Should:

  • It acknowledges your family’s dependence upon God. It acknowledges His presence in the home, His leadership of the home, and His watch care over the home.
  • It teaches God’s Word.
  • It teaches children to be conscious of other people’s needs and to pray for them.
  • It takes your family’s spiritual temperature. Sitting down with your family in this fashion will help you know who might need extra encouragement or attention.
  • It teaches a godly habit.
  • It leaves a godly legacy. What a great memory for spouses and children to have of their family gathered around the Bible. What a great family custom and inheritance to be passed to the next generation!

How You Can:

  • You have the time. Fifteen minutes at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or bedtime when the family is gathered together, is all the time it takes; and no preparation or forethought is needed.
  • Keep them simple but lively. For children, a Bible storybook along with a few actual Scripture verses read is great. With Bibles in hand (depending on age), rotate the reading with each person taking turns reading one verse per turn.
  • Ask two or three questions at the end of the reading.
  • Close with prayer. Take prayer requests. You can pray for upcoming family events, problems at school, tests, or health needs. Pray for your church family, a missionary, etc…