So Why Should I Go To Church?


whygotochurchChurch is not just an event that takes place on Sunday mornings. It is a body, a family, and an organization that Christ has established. No believer’s life is complete without being a member of a local New Testament Church. This fantastic commitment has hundreds of benefits. Here are just a few:

  • Church provokes me to good works. I am not to “forsake the assembling” because of this very reason (Heb. 10:24-25). Church is the place to find Godly examples. One of the fastest ways for me to grow is to see people that are “adorned with the gospel.” (I Cor. 11:1; II Thess. 3:6-9; Heb. 13:7)
  • Church is the only place that I can fulfill the fifty-nine “one another” commands in the New Testament: “Love one another,” “pray for one another,” “admonish one another,” “bear ye one another’s burdens”… These Christian graces can only be fulfilled in the context of church life. Being around real people with real problems enables me to exercise true Christian grace.
  • Church confirms my salvation. “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren…” (I John 3:14) Before my salvation, going to church was the equivalent of a criminal hanging out at the police station. The fact that I now enjoy being around the saints confirms by salvation.
  • Church is the place where I can unwrap my spiritual gift. God has equipped me with spiritual gifts that can only be exercised as I minister to the body of believers. (Rom. 12:6-8)
  • Church is the place of the reading, preaching, and teaching of the Word of God. The church is to be “The pillar and the ground of the Truth.” (I Tim. 3:15)
  • Church is a place I can carry out the Great Commission. A church is a group of saved and baptized believers who have voluntarily joined themselves together for the carrying out of the Great Commission. Systematic outreach, discipleship, and mission work is Christ’s plan for local New Testament Church. As a pastor, I can affirm that all members are needed in bringing a new convert to full maturity. Reaching the lost is a team effort.
  • Church provides accountability for me. Any marriage, business, sports team or endeavor that succeeds has accountability.   Accountability in church is having a support team that “watches for my soul” (Heb. 13:17). As pastor, I am probably the most watched soul in my congregation. This is not bad; this is good! When I position myself far enough outside the flock and am so unfaithful that no one questions my absence or depends upon my serving, I set myself up for sin and failure. If I fall outside the church, there will be no one to correct me (Matt. 18:15-20; I Cor. 5:1-13) and to help me restore me back to fellowship (Gal. 6:1).
  • Church has been given the authority to administer the dual ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. After salvation I need to be baptized; and after baptism, I need to have examination of communion and public declaration of my union with Christ’s (I Cor. 11:27-30)

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